


To be eligible to apply for all scholarships, members are required to meet the one-time NACAA scholarship contribution of at least $40.00. Members may receive credit in the following ways:

  • Direct cash contributions.
  • Donated auction items. (Value of donated items will be based on sale price. Auction purchases are credited to the donor of the item, not the buyer)
  • Purchase of raffle tickets valued at $40.00 or more.
  • Contribution to any future scholarship fund raiser valued at $40.00 or more.

Scholarship Criteria & Applications

Advanced Degree Scholarship
Complete the TCAAA Advanced Degree Scholarship Form and submit to the scholarship committee chairman by deadline listed below.

  • Applicant must be a paid member of TCAAA.
  • An agent must have been employed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for at least one year by the time scholarships are to be awarded.
  • Agents may receive this scholarship one time only.
  • Applicants must be currently pursuing an advanced degree at an accredited college or university. The degree must be related to Extension work.
  • Scholarship recipients must continue to be employed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at the time scholarships are awarded.
Professional Improvement Scholarship
Complete the TCAAA Professional Improvement Scholarship Form and submit to the scholarship committee chairman by deadline listed below.

  • Applications may be made as an individual or a group.
  • Applicant(s) must be a paid member of TCAAA.
  • Applicant(s) must have been employed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for at least one year.
  • Agents may receive this scholarship one time only.
  • Applicant(s) must state the cost, description, and location of the professional improvement activity.
  • Professional improvement activity must be relevant to current county/district commodities/issues of the applicant(s).
  • Professional improvement activities must be approved by the supervising District Extension Director.
  • Scholarship recipient(s) must continue to be employed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at the time scholarships are awarded.
Youth Scholarship
Complete the TCAAA Youth Scholarship Form and submit to the scholarship committee chairman by deadline listed below.

  • Graduating high school seniors who have been admitted to an accredited college or university; or
  • Enrolled undergraduates in good academic standing at an accredited college or university.
  • Individual youth may receive this scholarship one time only.
  • This scholarship is not restricted to any major field of study.
  • The TCAAA member must continue to be employed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at the time the scholarship is awarded.

Application Process

ALL Scholarship Applications must be submitted by March 15 to:

Mr. Brian Yanta
County Extension Agent-Agriculture & Natural Resources
329 West Franklin Sreet
Goliad, TX 77963

Phone: (361) 645-8204


2020 Scholars

TCAAA Scholars Thank You Notes

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